A Day in the Life of a Lansing Heating & Air Conditioning Employee

It’s 7 a.m. on a crisp winter morning and my workday at Lansing Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. is about to begin. I navigate the icy roads of Lansing toward the day’s first job – a furnace repair in Griffith, IN. As a committed part of a tight-knit team, we ensure that our customers in Lansing, Griffith, and beyond are greeted with warmth – literally and figuratively – regardless of the weather outside.

A Morning of Furnace Repair

At our first stop, we spring into action. The customer’s old furnace has been acting up and we have been tasked with fixing it. With great care and precision, we scrutinize every element of it. The diagnostics show a deteriorated ignition system, which we promptly replace before reassembling the unit. We then restart the furnace and wait for the comforting hum of an efficiently running heating system. The smiles on the customer’s faces, finally relaxing in their warm home once again, are what our job is all about.

Heading to Hobart – Welcoming A/C Maintenance

The weather in Indiana is diverse and unpredictable, so now it’s time to switch gears for the second half of our day. We are heading to Hobart for a scheduled air conditioning maintenance. Upon arriving, we systematically check the A/C’s filters, refrigerant levels, and electrical connections, ensuring that everything is in perfect working order for the warmer months ahead. At the end of the job, we leave behind a more energy-efficient system ready to keep our customers cool during hot summer days.

Wrapping Up at Dyer – Heating Installation and Services

As the day draws to a close, we find ourselves in Dyer, IN for a final call – a heating installation for a new build property. As experienced HVAC installation technicians, we coordinate with the contractor and carefully install a new high-efficiency heating system. To us, it is not just about installing the unit properly, but also about helping the homeowners understand their new system. We guide them through its operation, ensuring they know how to use it optimally and maintain it correctly.

At Lansing Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc, every day is different, presenting new challenges and opportunities. It’s a job that keeps us on our toes and our skills sharp, all the while providing an essential service to our local community. After a job well done, I head home, tired but fulfilled, looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow.